Friday, January 18, 2013

Package Day: Golden Merchandise

This week, I received my first ever package for 2013, and it was from Golden Merchandise! I was their Gift Three Winner for their "12 Gifts of Golden" giveaway, wherein they give away goodies for twelve straight weeks. (So generous, right?) Even if I already knew what's inside, I just can't help but feel excited the moment I received it!

Package from Golden Merchandise

I won Taylor Swift's Red album from their giveaway. This one is the regular version, with a different cover from my Red Deluxe Edition copy. (I was not really expecting to win when I bought my own copy, so now I have two! It's crazy. Haha!)

I loved the personal touch - pink and yellow ribbons with a note from Golden Merchandise! (Thank you so much!)

Taylor Swift's Red album

I actually prefer this cover compared to the one on the Deluxe Edition. (But then, the Deluxe Edition of Red has 6 bonus tracks in it.)

Golden Merchandise is now at Gift Four of Twelve, and they're giving away 3 Fandom Merch packs from Collograph.

  1. 1D/HP Pack 1: 1 Harry Potter To Do List, 1 Mirror of Erised Keychain, and 1 1D Things To Do List 
  2. 1D/HP Pack 2: 1 Harry Potter To Do List, 1 Infinite Keychain, and 1 Vas Happenin Check List 
  3. THG Pack: 1 The Hunger Games To Do List, and 1 Real or Not Real Keychain

Like Golden Merchandise on Facebook to join (and see the mechanics). Winners for gift four will be announced tomorrow, so you still have time to join!



  1. waaaahhh! Inggit ako! I love her song :) By the way did you heard the news about michael fox? He personally doesn't like taylor for his son :) ouch! Anyway lucky you! I keep on repeating *red* on my playlist :)

    1. Medyo serial dater kasi si Taylor, but I like her anyway! :D I love all her songs, and I think Red is her best album to date.


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