Monday, October 17, 2016

101 Ways to Use Vaseline

How many uses are there for our good ol' pal, Vaseline Petroleum Jelly? Let us count the ways.

The award-winning Vaseline Petroleum Jelly has earned itself a reputation as a dependable healing product that offers moisturizing, soothing, and protective benefits. But did you know that apart from these tried and tested benefits, there are still hundreds of ways you can use the world’s original wonder jelly? 

I've always known it to be a very versatile beauty multitasker, but I was floored after knowing that there are actually 101 WAYS of using this product! :o 

How I use my Vaseline Petroleum Jelly:
  1. During my high school days, I always had a mini jar of petroleum jelly with me. I remember it being the cheapest (but very effective!) lip balm I've ever had.
  2. Petroleum jelly is also my friend during sipon season, as it prevents the side of my nose from getting chapped.
  3. When I started wearing makeup, it served as my trusty eye makeup remover.
  4. One of my favorite use for it is for relief from itchy mosquito bites since I'm a mosquito magnet. -_-
  5. Even Michelle Phan swears by the petroleum jelly + socks trick at night to ward of cracked heels and have baby skin by the time you wake up.
  6. It also treats minor cuts and burns by proving a barrier so germs can't enter.

Upon checking out their site, I found out these interesting ways I could further use my jars!
  1. DIY clear eyebrow gel
    • Because I'm maarte, I want to buy an empty mascara tube with applicator, melt the petroleum jelly and pour it inside the tube for easier application. My brows are already tattooed, so I don't really need to apply brow makeup daily, so this can help the unruly strands stay put. This one's probably my favorite learning of the day. LOL
  2. Create your own makeup
    • Mix Vaseline with pigments or eyeshadows. You can even mix Vaseline with melted chocolate to create a tasty flavored lip balm!
  3. Apply on pulse points prior to spritzing perfume to maximize its effect and prolong the scent. (I think this is an amazing trick I can use with my favorite anti-mosquito cologne!)
  4. Blend with bath salts (like the ones you can get for cheap at Watsons) to create your own blend of body scrub. (Gift idea!)
  5. I used to DIY my hair color, but I stopped doing chemical treatments starting 2014. It took me over 2 years (!) to get back to my real black hair. But in case I want to DIY it again at home, I can protect my skin by putting some petroleum jelly on my hairline to prevent it from dripping to my face.

Here are some more practical uses for Vaseline at home!
  1. Remove scratches from CDs/DVDs. Woah!
  2. Wipe clean and revive leather bags, jackets, and heels.
  3. Shine your shoes instantly.
  4. Clean watermarks from wood.
  5. Use a paintbrush with Vaseline to treat annoyingly creaky hinges, windows, cabinets.

Truly, a single tub of the Original Wonder Jelly with 101 uses is a gem anybody can benefit from. There’s no wonder why this product has become quite legendary. 

To see a full list of the 101 ways to use Vaseline Petroleum Jelly, log on to:

Vaseline Petroleum Jelly is available nationwide.

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