Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Hit Pan: April to May 2013

Here are my empties for the past 2 months. Most of them are products from my favorite beauty brands! Just click on the links for individual review on the products listed below.

April to May 2013 Empties

Skincare from Etude House and Celeteque

4th tub emptied! ♥

This one I didn't really use up. It expired before I even reached halfway.

Samples from Kiehl's

Spraying this fresh scent is a treat on hot days!

Works wonders in keeping hair fall at bay.

Hair Care from Snoe

Snoe's Honey Olive Clementine range is now discontinued.You might notice its cap-less state on this photo, that's because I reused the pump dispenser on another shampoo and conditioner bottle.

7. Snoe Hair Heroes Invisible Wonder Cleansing Oil Shampoo
A cleansing oil shampoo that removes the excess oil on your scalp using nourishing oils from Macadamia Nut and Avocado.

Basics from The Body Shop

If you like the classic Born Lippy pots, you'd love this more hygienic but equally yummy version.

Lightly veils the skin with moisture, sheen, and a wonderful green fragrance from The Body Shop's well-loved olive range.

What are your recent hit pans? :)



  1. Oh my... mine my celeteque Serum must have expired too. I got that that from sampleroom and I kinda feel cheated that they us products that are near their expiration date. Oh well. Can't complain if it's free I guess.

    I finally finished the 3 bottles of Eskinol white facial deep cleanser that my sis gave me and I can now try other toners. yey!

    A Hint of Sunlight

    1. Guess that's why they gave away so many Celeteque serums para di masayang. At least we got to try it. I miss getting samples from Sample Room, but I'm waiting for when I really like the sample before I get since we also shoulder the shipping fee.

      Wow, 3 bottles. That must really work for your skin! When I was younger I used to think that their deep facial cleansers were a different kind of facial wash. Toner pala! Haha. What toner are you planning to try next?
