Sunday, October 22, 2017

What's Inside the CBTL 2018 Giving Journal

Exactly a year ago, I wrote about the 2017 Giving Journal which I've been using everyday. This year is a good turning point in my life because I learned to actually set aside part of what I earn each month to give, because I finally understand that I'm just a steward of the money that God allows me to have through my work. 🙏 As the holiday cheer begins to fill the air and traditions come alive, let's not forget the true message of Christmas.

But of course, ber months also means planner season. The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf has just launched their 2018 Giving Journal - their 10th edition! To celebrate their journey of giving through the years, the 2018 journal goes by the theme LEAVE A LEGACY.

The CBTL 2018 Giving Journals come in 4 designs - green, grey, and blue (with designs that reflect CBTL's premium teas and coffees), and a special one with a customizable cover you can color/paint to make it truly your own.

For me, the DIY one is the most beautiful design CBTL came up with. White with gold accents = classy! It's already lovely on its pristine state.

Leave a Legacy

Gratitude Jar

What's inside is also super nice. I'm loving the 2018 journal's neater, more colorful look, and the messages on each page are definitely inspiring. An excerpt from one of the chapter article goes:

"The question for everyone alive today is this: What kind of legacy will you leave behind? Will you leave a beautiful legacy for others to enjoy? Or will you leave a legacy of debt, pain, poverty, and sin that the people who come after you will have to pay for?"

It's deep, profound, and it makes you think.

And of course, we have our monthly treats from CBTL - coupons! 💜 

Coupons from CBTL & Wingstop 😋

Each month has a theme:
  • January - Begin with the end in mind
  • February - Be rooted in purpose
  • March - Be excellent in every way
  • April - Radiate hope
  • May - Build real connections and have true compassion
  • June - It's not what you have, it's what you do with what you have
  • July - Be a blessing where you are
  • August - Empower a nation through holistic education
  • September - Human dignity starts at home
  • October - Be a source of nourishment
  • November - Light up the world
  • December - Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom


Added monthly features (loving the "I'm grateful for" part)

Monthly view

Weekly view

Write a letter to yourself 📩

Stickers 😍

It's sparkly! 🌟

During the launch, I got to DIY my makeshift cover. I'm admittedly not creative when it comes to artworks, but these colors I chose have a deeper meaning, and they serve as a reminder on who I truly serve. 👆

My planner looks like it was colored by a kid but what it represents is exactly the reason for the season. I used to do gospel bracelets during children's outreach, hence the colors. Black represents sin, red represents the blood of Jesus Christ, blue represents faith, white represents purity since we are made clean with His blood, green means growing as Christians, and yellow represents heaven.

What's noteworthy with the 2018 Giving Journal is how it's rooted to Christian faith. The chapter articles and weekly pages are filled with inspiring stories, quotes, and Bible verses. 💖

Thank you for appreciating my work, CBTL! 💜

You only need 12 stamps to earn your very own 2018 Giving Journal, which you can claim at any CBTL store from October 21, 2017 to January 14, 2018 (or until 60 days after). You also get to do good since participating in this holiday tradition means supporting Real Life Foundation in providing education for underprivileged Filipino youth. So far, Real Life Foundation has provided over 300 scholars with university degrees, and over 40 graduates were directly supported by CBTL and YOU (if you've gotten your own Giving Journal before). 👌 Let's help grow this number, shall we?

For more information:
FOLLOW @CBTLPH on Instagram

Will you be getting the 2018 Giving Journal? Which design do you like best? 😊


Let's keep in touch!
For quick updates or any questions, just message me on IG! 😗

LIKE Lucky Citrine on Facebook


  1. wow i never had any planner from coffee shops (SB and CBTL) and this looks very nice!

    1. It's nice, indeed! :) Glad you liked the designs, too. My first coffee shop planner was also from CBTL (the 2017 edition), but their 2018 edition is even better.

  2. I'm 2 stamps away from claiming my CBTL planner 2018 edition and I'm very excited. It would be my very fist coffee shop planner! My first choice was the green one then the DIY one, but after I read your blog the DIY planner looks interesting and fun, my only concern is I'm also not creative.
