Monday, October 24, 2016

Fairywhite Soap & BB Lotion Review

Today's review will be about a skin lightening duo I've recently discovered: Fairywhite. I've used a lot of whitening soaps, so I'm curious on how this one can be different from the previous ones I've tried. Also, the BB Lotion is an interesting concept. Body makeup, anyone?

You might have come across these products at your local Mercury Drug Store branch or in Unimart Greenhills. The products are locally-made with slightly higher price points due to the premium ingredients they contain.

Fairywhite Lightening and Moisturizing Soap 90g (P120)
with Pearl Powder, Rosehip Oil, and Argan Oil


From the time I've started blogging, I've always been hesitant with using bar soaps on my face, regardless of the brand. It's just that I've always found them drying, and that they leave my face feeling tight. Not this one, though! When this soap was presented to me, I found out that even the owners use this one on their face AND body. (However, I do not advise using just 1 bar of soap both on your face and body. I wouldn't want to use the same bar that I've used on my feet also for my face. Get 2 bars, instead! Hehe) Anyway, I used this one exclusively on my face for days until I accidentally dropped it while I was showering. It's a soft soap, so a bit of dirt stuck to it and I just used it on my body since then.

Pearl powder helps treat acne and stimulate collagen regeneration. Rosehip oil in its pure form can burn the skin, so skincare products need to have just the right amount/dosage for it to work. This ingredient can correct dark spots and hydrate dry, itchy skin, all while reducing scars and fine lines. Argan oil is a natural skin moisturizer.

This soap my face clean and soft, but never dry and itchy. It has a very light fragrance and it's non-irritating. I also didn't break out from it. If you're going to use this soap exclusively for the face, it can last you months, so in the long run, it's not expensive. When you use this on your entire body, it will probably last for 1 month. When used on the body, it feels squeaky clean while rinsing, but it's not drying. My skin looks healthier and brighter after weeks of consecutive use, but it didn't give me any drastic whitening effect. It's fine though, since I'm just aiming for healthy-looking, even skin. For travel, I prefer to bring this kind of multipurpose soap bar to save space and avoid spills.

Fairywhite Lightening and Moisturizing BB Lotion with UV Protection 100ml (P985)
Perfect cover for the whole body


First impression: Body makeup? What a vain little thing to have. It's quite expensive, too! But I realized that it can help bring back confidence of those who have dark spots, skin asthma scars, and other body blemishes.

Fairywhite BB Lotion also has rosehip oil and pearl powder, but what makes this special is its peach shade. Other instant whitening lotions come in just a white lotion/cream form, so they have the tendency to look ashy on dark skin. This one blends better and looks way more natural.




It feels a lot like a BB cream for the body and I love it. It makes my skin look lit from within! And it never feels sticky or greasy. I love using it on my arms during sleeveless days. For my dry legs, this tends to make the flakes visible so a trick I learned is to first apply a bit of body butter first for a healthy sheen, then top it off with the Fairywhite BB Lotion. It blends faster and more seamlessly this way, and it always looks natural! Fairywhite BB Lotion is my favorite thing to use whenever I wear shorts and dresses. But my killer combo is Veet Hair Removal Cream (1 to 2 days before) + body butter (I love the ones from The Body Shop) + Fairywhite BB Lotion for glossy, perfect legs!

Like Fairywhite on Facebook for more information.


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  1. I definitely agree with you on using 2 bars XD It is kind of expensive though but hey if you have anything special to go to, then this would definitely help I guess? :D

    Joyce | Joycentricity

    1. Diba, hindi puede isa lang yung pang face and body. Hehe! :D
