Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Cooking 108: Cheesy Corned Beef Rice

Guys, nagluluto na ko. Haha! It's so fun! :D

I've been to Baipai Thai Cooking School before (one of the BEST experiences you can have at Bangkok), and I recently got reacquainted with the good ol' stove during the #CreateWithCream event where Panda and I cooked Creamy Chicken Adobo. This time, I got inspired by Denise of Royal Domesticity. I saw her #baonserye posts on Facebook and just keep on scrolling on the page feed until I was stopped with a recipe: Creamy Corned Beef Rice. It looked so delicious and easy to make, and so I tried it together with Panda! (Though ours turned out more like CHEESY Corned Beef Rice, since we used up half a bar of cheese. LOL)

Most of the ingredients can easily be found at home or at the supermarket. Check out her blog for the ingredients and procedure! :D For our version, we omitted green peas and decreased the water since there were no peas to cook. For the corned beef, I chose Palm since it's the best tasting one for me, but it's pricey at around P150 for a small can. As for the cheese, good ol' Eden does the trick!

From the top, it looked like spaghetti. LOL But promise, it's so delicious. I've never enjoyed corned beef like this before. I somehow feel empowered with having a bit of cooking knowledge now. I don't have to eat out often from now on since I can make a (decent) simple meal at home. 

Try making this dish, too! Promise, you won't regret! :)

By the way, Panda and Desi have just opened a new restaurant near Banawe, Quezon City! DeAntonni Hobby Cafe has an interesting concept - think comfort food + board games! I'll be writing more about it soon. But it's also one of the reasons why I'm into experimenting with dishes at the moment. I've had a peek into what they'll be offering in the coming days, and I AM EXCITED! Do drop by if you have the time!

Like DeAntonni Hobby Cafe on Facebook for more information!


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