Saturday, December 26, 2015

Favorite: Kiehl's Hair-Obsessed Sister Set

When you receive Christmas presents, do you wait until Christmas eve to open your gifts or do you just open them immediately (well, not exactly in front of the giver, but you get my point)? As for me, I'm more of the latter. Haha! My family isn't very traditional when it comes to Noche Buena, but we do make it a point to eat dinner together to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. And...the granny in me was already asleep by 11:30PM that night. Hohoho!

One of the prettiest presents I've received for Christmas was this Kiehl's Hair-Obsessed Sister Set from my LUSH Soap-obsessed sister, Cindy. We gave each other kikay things this year! She knew I wanted this set for sooo long but it's kinda pricey, so this counts as my Christmas gift slash next year's birthday gift as well, said her. LOL

It comes in the prettiest box with happy colors, so it's a keeper. I wasn't too excited with the deluxe samples the set originally came with, and apparently, you can have it exchanged as you please. YES PLEASE! :D

Kiehl's Amino Acid Shampoo and Conditioner are my hair's miracle workers. I've hated my wavy hair since September (when I had it cut at a kanto salon, never again I swear), and using conventional shampoos with high sulfate content exacerbated its unruly state. This duo smells like coconuts; it's okay with me, but I've used yummier smelling ones before. The Amino Acid Shampoo from Kiehl's still has sulfate, but in another form, with low concentrations. This makes the lather not too foamy and stripping, and in effect, my hair is not too frizzy. But it's still not perfect. As with any gentle shampoo, it won't be able to clean my hair perfectly, hence I get buildup by the end of the week. Once a week, I use a "stronger" shampoo to rebalance my hair. The Amino Acid Conditioner is a mild and nourishing partner of my shampoo. I like it, but I'm also open to trying out their other variants in the future. I've actually reviewed both these products before, which I'll be linking below for your reference.

Deluxe samples:
Rare Earth Deep Pore Daily Cleanser
Kiehl's Midnight Recovery Eye

These deluxe samples are so fancy, but I haven't used them yet since I'm saving them for travel.

Trivia: Did you know that you can get a deluxe sample when you turn in 3 empty bottles or tubes of Kiehl's products? :D

Say hello to the hair-obsessed sisters! That's Anna, by the way! And that's what Kiehl's does to my hair, without any tools or styling products. Yes, I will repurchase. Final answer! :D

Hope you had the merriest Christmas!

Like Kiehl's on Facebook for more information.


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