Saturday, January 11, 2014

Oryspa Rice Bran Lulur Whitening Body Scrub

I love getting body scrubs from spas - they're so good for my skin but so bad for my wallet! Whenever I get that post-spa glowing skin, I can't help but think, "It's so worth it!" But then, I got hold of a product that gave me the spa experience at home at a fraction of a cost. If you're a fan of getting body scrubs, or just a plain lover of body care items (like me!), then you'll love this!

Oryspa Rice Bran Lulur Whitening Body Scrub
Every Sunday, I take time to pamper myself by taking an extra long bath. This is the time when I indulge my hair with a little more minutes of conditioner or hair treatment and scrub my body so I'd be fresh and ready for the week ahead. My recent favorite is Oryspa's Rice Bran Lulur Whitening Body Scrub.

Oryspa is the first and finest maker of rice bran based spa products in the Philippines. It makes use of the skincare wonder that is rice bran to nourish and exfoliate the skin.

The scrub is housed in a simple packaging. It has a cap inside so the products won't spill.

Upon opening the jar, you'll be greeted by an amazingly fragrant spa-ish floral scent, which I am very fond of. It just smells so good! (They have another variant in Champorado (chocolate rice porridge), so imagine the scent of that one as well. Heavenly!)

I've used various body scrubs before, but it's my very first time to try the lulur scrub. According to history, royal Javanese brides-to-be were given the lulur scrub treatment everday for 40 days before their wedding to reveal smooth and fair skin.

For me, 40 days of continuous body scrubbing sounds like a lot of trouble! My skin could get too exfoliated. The instructions on the label says that we can opt to use this scrub for 2-3 times a week, but I prefer using it just once a week.

The texture of this scrub is both creamy and grainy. It's abrasive but not too harsh, and it gets the job done. I apply an even layer of this on damp skin from neck down to my feet and scrub my body for a couple of minutes before rinsing it off. I love that the scrub also contains mango butter to moisturize my skin, and arbutin (from bearberry extract) for fairer and clearer skin. You can feel your skin so soft as you rinse the product off in shower. The result is super smooth, brighter, and more even skin! My skin is well hydrated, and since the dead skin cells are gone, it's able to absorb lotions better. I am seriously in love. I used to just get this kind of finish from expensive spa treatments, but now I can achieve it even at home.

Price: P235.00
Oryspa is available online at Zalora. You may also visit their stores to experience the products first before purchasing.

Like Oryspa on Facebook for more information and updates on their products.



  1. IDK how to feel about the champorado scrub. It sounds too yummy that I'm almost afraid to take it to the bath. I might end up wanting to eat it instead!

    1. Haha! It does really smell like food! I'm a fan of foodie scents so I think I'll try it next time. :)

  2. I love the Lulur scrub too it is one of my favourite products from Oryspa.
    I would like to recommend their Gugo Aloe Vera Shampoo, face mask & soaps especially Rice bran soap, Coconut soap and Seaweed soap it makes my skin so soft and glowing. I wish they have more exposure on beauty blogs because they are one of the great local products available.

    1. Wow, that's really nice to hear! Glad to know that you like the Lulur scrub too. It's really a great product, and I'm looking forward to try more of Oryspa, like the shampoo you mentioned!

      I agree, I hope more beauty bloggers get to know this brand. Support local beauty products! :D

  3. I *want* to try that CHAMPORADO SCRUB! I love scrubs or body wash that smells like food - yum! :P

    1. ME TOO! I might repurchase this scrub in Champorado next. Can't resist chocolates! :)

  4. do these scrubs really whiten dark spots?

    1. My skin looks brighter after every use, so I think this will be effective when used long term on those dark spots. :)
