Saturday, November 30, 2013

(Secret) Eyewear Obsession

I'm not a fan of most girly accessories like earrings or necklaces. The most I would wear on a normal day is my citrine bracelet (which I've been wearing since 2009) and my trusty Veloci watch.

Lately, I find myself buying sunnies for no reason and with no occasion. But if I find one that looks good on me, I buy it ASAP! (Most of the time, I find my match at Forever 21, but I hate that they don't come with their own cases.) I now present to you my humble but growing eyewear collection!

Round Blue Plastic Sunglasses from Forever 21

Say hello to my nakakafresh na shades! I think this is the first time for me to fall in love with something blue! It also has this ombre-ish design, clear on the center then sky blue on the sides.

This is my nakakayaman na shades. It's cheaper than it looks. It's been with me for a few months already but it's still good as new.

Lastly, is my nakakasmart na glasses, which I wear when I'm in front of the computer. I hope this investment would last me years.

Do you also collect eyewear? :D



  1. oh the blue sunnies are so cute!:)♥ lovely finds!

    1. I love it too, but I haven't gotten the chance to wear them for long yet! I'm always just wearing my glasses. Haha :)

  2. me too I'm getting Addicted haha I found my perfect pair din sa f21 :)

    1. Yey we're sisters in shades! Haha! Gotta love F21. ♥
