Saturday, November 2, 2013

"Just Because It's On Sale" Haul + News from The Body Shop

It's already November, but malls are still on SALE! This is extra helpful for us if we're planning to go Christmas gift shopping early on to avoid the hassle and crowd come December.

Haul: Solo & The Body Shop

Yet again, I bought some stuff just because they're on sale! This seems to be an incurable sickness of mine.

I rarely wear t-shirts to work, even on casual Fridays. My colleagues were surprised when I wore this to work, and I was even more surprised when they told me that this looked nice on me. I'm usually not into shirts, unless it's plain or the print is as cute as this one! My sister liked this too and plans to borrow this from me. Thankfully, we have the same body size.

Solo Shorts (P795.00 -> P199.00)

I dropped by Solo in SM North EDSA The Block to get my gift from the brand, but as I was waiting for them to process some papers, I spotted a pair of shorts at 75% off! It fit me perfectly, so I bought it immediately.
The Body Shop Blueberry Shower Gel (P395.00 -> P237.00)

I also dropped by The Body Shop to repurchase a bottle of shower gel since mine's about to run out. I was able to get this bottle of Blueberry Shower Gel at 40% off! I believe this is limited edition, along with scents such as Raspberry, Papaya, and Passion Fruit. The Body Shop's pre-holiday sale is until November 6, 2013. I was able to have my LYB card renewed for another 1 year for FREE, and I also got their latest Christmas catalog! :D

The reason why I keep supporting The Body Shop is because that have ethical values in which I believe in. I am admittedly no animal lover, but after I did a research paper way back on my college days regarding animal testing in the cosmetics industry, it made me realize that I didn't want animals hurt or injured for the price of beauty.

An example of what happens during animal testing is that the head of the rabbits and/or white mice are held by steel contraptions, and lab formulas (if ever, our future cosmetic products) are dropped into their eyes to see if the product would cause irritations. Usually, chemicals cause some of these animals to go blind. They also try to escape because of the pain, so they strain their necks, which end up breaking their bones. As for skin creams, the fur of the animals are shaved, and the samples are applied topically on their bare skin. Adverse reactions usually include burning of the skin and other irritations.

The Body Shop International has already achieved the target of 1 million signatures for a global ban on animal testing for cosmetics purposes. The Body Shop was proud to accomplish an EU ban on animal testing in cosmetics in March 2013, and with everyone's support we will call on all governments globally to ban animal testing for cosmetic purposes.
Cruelty Free International, supported by The Body Shop, calls for a global ban on animal testing for cosmetic purposes. A petition with over one million signatures, resulting from a two year global campaign, was delivered to ASEAN to further encourage their efforts to ban animal testing in cosmetics in the region. 

At a dedicated event during Jakarta Fashion week, hundreds of supporters joined The Body Shop for a presentation to Cruelty Free International in support of their work with ASEAN and Member Governments.

An EU ban on animal tested cosmetics was widely celebrated in March 2013, however over 80% of the world still allows animals to be used in cruel experiments for cosmetic products and their ingredients. In ASEAN there are no regulations or laws banning animal testing of cosmetic products and ingredients or the importing of those tested elsewhere.

Cruelty Free International’s CEO, Michelle Thew, said: “With the fantastic support of The Body Shop we have been able to carry out our largest global campaign to call for a ban on animal testing for cosmetic purposes. A million voices have spoken and we are more determined than ever.” Jessie Macneil-Brown, Global Campaigns Manager for The Body Shop International said: “For over 20 years The Body Shop has proved that beauty can be cruelty free. One million signatures demonstrate the unwavering passion from our customers as we keep fighting for this cause.”

Cruelty Free International and The Body Shop will be delivering the pledges to 14 governments and regulatory bodies throughout the world.

Are you also against animal testing? Let's all support this worthy cause by showing our support for brands that are cruelty-free!



  1. I wasn't aware of the kind of testing they do on animals! :O I'm glad that there are organizations that work against this kind of animal cruelty.

    1. Doing some research on animal tsting was a real eye-opener for me. So let's try to support beauty products that are cruelty-free. :)

  2. I love the tee its so cool and I'm also not an animal lover but it's just so cruel to let others suffer for beauty

    1. I love the design of the tee too! Yeah, I agree with you on that! We can all be beautiful without the need to harm animals.

  3. You've got a good deal with the shorts!

    1. Indeed! After I tried it on, I didn't let it leave my hands. It was the last stock! :)

  4. I know The Body Shop was so ahead of it's time. Great concept and company. I can not believe the founder is no longer with us but her dream lives on.

    Ali of Dressing Ken

    1. Yes, with practicing Community Fair Trade and being cruelty-free, The Body Shop sure made an impact on the lives of many. :)
