Thursday, September 5, 2013

Snoe Star Night Star Bright Night Perfecting Toner (New Formula)

Snoe Star Night Star Bright Night Perfecting Toner has been keeping my skin clear for over a year. I loved it so much that I've used up about 6 bottles of the old version. (Don't worry, I am an addict since each bottle is really small!) Then, it got discontinued for a short while to make way for a new version.

NEW Snoe Star Night Star Bright Night Perfecting Toner (P249.00)

About the Product:

Same as the old version, it promises 6 skincare benefits: anti-aging, whitening, anti-acne, exfoliating, pore refining, and spot remover. This toner contains mulberry (as antioxidant) and acai berry (to boost collagen levels), but now with additional ingredients such as maca root (to add radiance, suppleness, and vitality), and retinol (to prevent and treat acne).

Let's compare the 2 versions of this toner:

Same bottle, different label.

  • I hope Snoe would come up with a bigger bottle of this. That would be more convenient than buying a small one every now and then.
  • The new packaging now indicates how much product is actually inside the small bottle, which is 50ml. (Finally, it's not a mystery anymore!)
  • The new bottle is still not sealed. However, it does include a ribbon and a paper tag (see the first photo) indicating the skincare benefits of the product.

The manufacturing and expiry date is now indicated on the label.


More ingredients in the new version.

I now spot Ethyl Alcohol listed second on the ingredients list of the new one. The old one has no alcohol listed, despite it's strong scent.


Old version: P179.00 for 50ml
New version: P249.00 for 50ml

Considered as pricey, when you think about it. It this were in a regular big-sized bottle (of 150ml), it would already cost around P750.00.

  • It prevents acne from forming.
I use this every night after my facial wash. I commit the crime of not moisturizing at night, but it works for me!
  • It treats existing pimples. 
Spot treat areas that need special attention (like those pimples that say hello) by leaving a piece of cotton (with this toner) on your skin for several minutes. It dries up the pimple faster. 
  • When I feel a pimple about to form, I also spot treat with this toner, and most of the time, the pimple doesn't emerge full blown anymore. (However, it's not a sure thing anymore, unlike the previous formula.) 
  •  It does not cause any skin peeling on my oily skin, except when I spot treat, since that way, you concentrate the product on an area, which is bound to be drying.
  • My skin feels fresh and thoroughly cleansed after every use. This toner will remove everything your facial wash wasn't able to catch, without giving you that tight and dry feeling.
  • My skin always looks brighter and fresher the morning after.

  • It has a strong alcohol scent which I hate.
  • It gives a slight stinging sensation for a few seconds, when applied on broken skin (AKA the pimples you just picked at).
  • It doesn't seem to make my pores appear smaller.
  • If you're looking for an oil-control toner, this is not it since I still wake up with a bit of sheen on my face.
  • You can only use this at night. It has retinol that can make your skin more sensitive to the sun.

After the old version got discontinued, I've actually tried switching to another milder toner (without alcohol, but also without salicylic acid) for review, but my face started to develop small whiteheads/rashes all over my cheeks and a bit on my forehead. Bad move. What can I say? My face loves (or is dependent on) salicylic acid! Then, I realized that I won't use anything else but Snoe's toner. While it takes longer now for my acne/rashes to heal (compared to the old version, which seemed to work better for me), I'm still going to use this since it still works on improving my skin, slowly but surely.

Will I repurchase? Yes.
Price: P249.00/50ml
Available in all Snoe stores and kiosks nationwide. See complete store list here.

Snoe Star Night Star Bright Night Perfecting Toner is still my skincare hero. What's yours?



  1. I wish it weren't that pricey! I use up bottles of toner quickly because I also use them on my neck and chest, which are also prone to pimples.

    1. Yeah, but it works so I can't help but repurchase and repurchase. :))

  2. Hi! I used this product and on my very first application after a few minutes small pimples came out. I have a sensitive skin. Should I stop or continue using this product? Hoping for your response. Thanks a lot!
