Thursday, January 5, 2017

Vaseline Lip Therapy Rosy Lips

Lips as red as the rose 🌹

Nope, this isn't a red lipstick review. Today, I'm going back to my first beauty love and reviewing a lip balm! I don't opening many lip balms all at the same time, because I'm prudent like that. Say hello to the newest (and cutest) baby in my makeup kit right now. 😍 My former colleague went to the US, and this tiny tub of Vaseline was my request. Wish granted! I know I have so many big tubs of Vaseline at home, but how can you resist this one? It's pink!

What makes it different is it's added flavor (more like rose fragrance) and colorants to give it a hint of tint.


Before vs After

Despite its pink appearance in the jar, it just gives a barely noticeable tint. It does make my bare lips look healthier, though. I can wear this alone when I'm just running errands. But if I have to go somewhere important, lipstick is still a must. Because the tint is not very visible, you can still use it as a normal Vaseline tub - in 101 ways!

This lovely tub contains 7g of product in it (roughly the same amount of product in 2 sticks of lip balm), and I'm pretty sure it will last me a long time! 💋

Unfortunately, Vaseline doesn't distribute this variant in the Philippines yet. I have seen some in bazaars, but even a product as affordable as this (USD 2) can be faked. I've seen some in Divisoria with paper backing that looks different with the one I have at home, so that's kinda shady. 😕

What's your current go-to lip balm?



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