Friday, July 1, 2016

Sappe Beauti Drink (Berry Bright & Fiber)

I love going to the supermarket because being surrounded by food thrills me. LOL I'd prefer hacer la compra (grocery shopping) over ir de compras (shopping for clothes, etc.) any day. How #tita of me! :D Today, I'll be sharing with you my favorite finds from my grocery trip just last Tuesday.

I think that the best recommendations sometimes come from casual conversations, and when I saw these Sappe Beauti Drinks on the shelves, I immediately had a flashback on my conversation with a former colleague. She told me that her boyfriend buys a green kikay drink from 7-Eleven whenever he's constipated. That green kikay drink she was referring to is none other than Sappe Beauti Drink! :D

Because it was on a buy 1 take 1 promo at Landmark Supermarket (Trinoma), I finally gave it a try. (I've always been curious but have just not gotten around buying it. Thank God for promos!) I bought 1 pair of the Berry Bright variant, and 2 pairs of the Fiber variant. When I finally tried it at home, I regretted my decision instantly - I should have bought MORE!

Sappe Beauti Drink (Berry Bright)
contains 100g Goji Berry Extract & Lutein 5%

I initially didn't plan on buying this flavor since it has an artificial red color and it looked very sweet. But Ate who was manning the shelves recommended this and said that it tasted good, so I gave it a try. True enough, it had a mildly sweet berry taste which I like! However, I know 1 bottle is enough to improve my eyesight. I need more!

Sappe Beauti Drink Citrus Flavored Drink
with Fiber 8,000mg and 86mg L-Carnitine

Between the 2 flavors I got, I liked this one better since it had an instant effect. Hint hint. It has a very light citrus taste and it's not too sweet. On most days, I'm constipated so this drink is heaven-sent for me. Did you know that this bottle has a fiber amount equivalent to 8 oranges or 2 pomelos? That's a lot! It's REALLY effective and works in just 1-2 hours. I don't know if this goes for everyone, but my tummy agrees with this one. (As for the L-Carnitine bit, I know that's only effective in conjunction with exercise.)
If you're a drinker of Oishi Fiber & Fruit and Del Monte Fit 'n Right, you might just consider making the switch to Sappe. (Guys, don't be intimidated by the floral prints. Haha)
  • 500ml bottle of Oishi Fiber & Fruit = 7,000mg fiber
  • 330ml bottle of Del Monte Fit 'n Right = 50mg L-Carnitine
  • 360ml bottle of Sappe Beauti Drink with Fiber = 8,000mg fiber + 86mg L-Carnitine

I'm so happy with my (not so new) discovery. :D I'll continue to repuchase the Fiber variant, but I want to try their 2 other variants as well: one with 1,000mg collagen and another one with 100mg glutathione. They were out of stock the day I shopped!

SRP: P35/bottle

Have you tried Sappe Beauti Drinks? :D


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