Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Penshoppe x Sandara Press Conference + Denim Lab Fashion Show

Sandara Park (our very own Krung Krung) was here in the Philippines over the weekend! ♥ I've liked her since Star Circle Quest days because of her charm and natural beauty. For a couple of years, she went back to her homeland in South Korea and from there became an international pop star (2NE1)! She's definitely gone a long way and is super mega famous now, but from what I saw last weekend, she's still the down-to-earth sweetheart we all love! :D 

When Krissy texted me an invite to Sandara's press conference with Penshoppe, it was an easy YES in less than a minute. I wanted to see her!!! Haha :D At the event itself, there were so many people. Sandara was FLAWLESS! Her skin glowed even up to her legs. @_@ I want to know her skincare secrets please. Huhu

Here are some fun facts I got during the press conference:
  • She answered all questions candidly and fluently in Tagalog, too! There were funny parts, where she recounted wearing Penshoppe when she was in high school - a red t-shirt and elephant jeans. (I bet she still looked cute!)
  • It was when she went back to South Korea and joined 2NE1 that her male stylist made her wear his pants, and that's when she discovered that loose-fitting clothes suited her. (I couldn't agree more!)
  • She misses Filipino food like SISIG! :D
  • Her style icon is herself! Haha. When she was asked who her style inspiration is, she says she googles "Sandara Park" and wears whatever she's wearing. (Kulit! Hahaha)
  • She wants to make a romantic comedy show/movie. She also wants to work with Vice Ganda!

No bad angles. No matter what pose she does, she looks cute!

She's wearing ALL Penshoppe here. I was surprised (in a really good way) that her stylist came up with this outfit. From what used to be a store that sold mostly shirts and basic items, Penshoppe has gone a long way and is now high fashion international brand! Among their roster of international celebrity endorsers, I think Sandara is the one closest to and in a way most "reachable" to the Filipinos, therefore the most effective. Anything she wears suits her, too! (Good decision and investment on this one, Penshoppe!)

That ends part 1 of my post about the Penshoppe x Sandara press conference. :D Among Penshoppe's pool of brand ambassadors including Sean O'Pry, Mario Maurer, Kendall Jenner, and Lucky Blue Smith, Sandara is my favorite! Hihi

After the press conference, we were shuttled to Trinoma's Activity Center for Penshoppe's Denim Lab Fashion Show.

OOTD: Dress by Penshoppe | Shoes by Parisian | Watch by Casio

I love this dainty white dress from Penshoppe! ♥ Also, I found my perfect nude pair of flats which almost blends with my skin tone. :3

During the introduction of the fashion show, there was a game wherein contestants had to identify which model was wearing the re-launched Denim Love scents.

Oh, and look at who just sat across us! ♥♥♥ SANDARA together with Bernie and Alice Liu (founders of Penshoppe) and Jeff Bascon, Brand Director of Penshoppe.

And so the show begins! I've picked the top 15 looks I liked during the runway show:

During the Denim Lab Fashion Show, I learned 2 things:
  • Denim Love doesn't have to be restricted to the standard blue jeans. You can wear denim in different types of clothing, in various cuts and shades, too!
  • Sandara loves jogger pants and boyfriend jeans!

The crown went wild when Sandara went on stage. She was wearing sky high heels, and she walked the runway like she was born to do it. My Panda was waiting for me outside the venue, and the person beside him was trying to take photos of Sandara while screaming "Diyosa! Diyosa!" which meant "goddess" in English. LOL But it's true! Sandara is definitely all that. Her outfit was from Penshoppe, too. I would have never thought of mixing and matching these pieces, but they worked! Super nicely, too.

Trivia: My younger sister Cindy works for Penshoppe. She used to handle the ladies' tops, and now she's handling Penshoppe's merchandise for ladies' bottoms. She would inform me early when there's a particular pair of pants she thinks I'd like - such as their comfy trousers and culottes - and I always end up buying them! Also, she's skinny so their would make her try on the clothes that the brand would be sending to Sandara. Taray!

I met up with Cindy and Panda after the show, and we looked around Penshoppe for some style inspiration. Look at the pullover I found. It's so me! :o

And because we were starving, we decided to go to Toast Box and have breakfast in the evening. LOL :D

Last Friday was definitely one to remember. Thanks for the super awesome day, Penshoppe! :3

For more information about Penshoppe, you may visit
Facebook: Penshoppe
Instagram: @penshoppe
Snapchat: @teampenshoppe


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