Tuesday, January 26, 2016

DIY: Kracie Popin' Cookin' Bento (SO FUN!)

One productive afternoon, my Panda and I bonded over making a complete bento box...in candy form! :D

Say hello to our Cooking 105 experiment that isn't actual cooking. Haha! This one was a gift from our friend Raymond who came back from Japan for vacation. He told me that in Tokyo, Kracie Popin' Cookin' sets were widely available even in the supermarkets. But in another district (which I forgot), this was less common, and he found this being sold inside the toy section. Each box costs around P100.

All instructions were in Japanese, so we had to watch videos on Youtube on how to make these candies.

Initially I was puzzled on how to fold the foil pack into a bento box, but my Panda figured it out. I liked how the foil pack itself is useful - you use it to measure the panda's head and ears (left), cut and fold the bento box (center), and cut the pieces of foil to decorate the broccoli and chicken nuggets with (right).

I am so amazed how these powders (almost all in white) change color upon contact with water, and have varied textures. Imagine - the red one was a jelly candy, while the white one resembled actual cooked rice grains!

You just pour the powder into the designated slot and add water (as indicated graphically at the back of the box).

Most of them have to be mixed and set for 3 minutes (or more, if you like) before you remove them from the tray. No need for refrigeration.

But don't be fooled...it really is small and terribly cute.

Finished product! Too cute!!! :o Each candy had a sweet and distinct flavor. The onigiri tasted like yogurt candy, the broccoli tasted like apple candy, the chicken nuggets and pasta tasted like orange candy (but with different textures), and the red gummy octopus/sausage (?) was our favorite since it tasted like strawberry jelly candy! :D There are a lot of other sets available, but I feel that this Bento variant is super sulit since there is a lot of variety going on. But if I were to go to Japan, I think I would hoard ALL variants and maybe even sell some to you. HOHO :D

Have you tried Kracie Popin' Cookin' DIY Candy sets yet? :D


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