Sunday, October 11, 2015

#BreakTheCycle with Benzac AC Gel (Review)

I've always though that once I go past the puberty stage, acne would be the least of my skin concerns. I've always had oily skin, and even though my skin is relatively clear on most days, I still break out! In the past, it used to be my T-zone, but now, adult acne seem to develop in the U-zone. It always develops on my chin, so it's a hormonal thing which happens before that time of the month, when I am stressed, or when I lack sleep. (The only good thing about oily skin is that my face doesn't develop wrinkles easily. But I got to do what it takes to keep it clear.)

Benzac Philippines sent me this #BreakingTheCycle kit, and I am most happy since my dad just teased me on how big the zit on my chin was while I was doing my makeup. LOL

The difference between salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide is that salicylic acid exfoliates the skin and reduces inflammation, while benzoyl peroxide is bactericidal - meaning it kills the bacteria that causes pimples.

Benzac is a product of Galderama, the same company which manufactures Cetaphil. Did you know that Benzac is made in France? And French people know skincare well.

So, how exactly do we #BreakTheCycle?

Breaking the acne cycle involves reducing acne-causing bacteria to address the root of recurring breakouts.

Benzoyl Peroxide is recommended by dermatologists worldwide as an effective antibacterial treatment ingredient that kills more than 94% of acne-causing bacteria called p. acnes. Unlike antibiotics, bacteria have not been able to become resistant to Benzoyl Peroxide.
Application also causes a mild keratolytic action due to the breakdown of protein in skin cells that block pores to loosen dead skin cells, whiteheads, and blackheads.

During my high school years, I had a lot of pimples on my forehead, and my Mom brought me to a dermatologist. She prescribed me with a 2.5% benzoyl peroxide gel for pimples, and told me to work my way up from there should it not work. Benzoyl peroxide may come in 2.5%, 5%, and 10%, for mild, moderate, to severe acne, respectively. Benzac AC Gel comes in either 5% or 10%, so it's best to start with 5%.

  • It has a light gel cream texture.
  • It goes on clear.
  • It has no scent.
  • It's an effective spot treatment.
    • Small pimples dry up in 1-2 days.
    • Painful "under my skin" bumps that haven't yet turned to a full-blown pimple were STOPPED within 2-3 days use.
    • Big pimples that have a "head" develop pus more quickly, and pops with ease (not forcefully). Usually takes effect within 1 week.
  • It kills pimple-causing bacteria and hastens the drying up of pimples.

  • It stains dark clothing.
  • It makes skin sensitive to sunlight (use only at night, or use with high SPF during day).
  • It makes my skin peel (given its keratolytic agent). 

I recommend using Benzac AC Gel 5% as a spot treatment to troublesome zits, since it's so effective in preventing the "about to emerge" cystic acne that would have added another scar on my face, and it dries up existing zits fast. However, do not apply this all over your face if you don't need to, as it may dry up your skin. Don't forget to use a skin-compatible moisturizer!

Benzac AC Gel 5% comes in a 15g (P313) or 60g (P745) tube. 10% comes in a 60g (P768). Benzac is available in Watsons, Mercury Drug, and South Star drug branches nationwide.

Like Benzac Philippines on Facebook for more information.


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