Saturday, December 20, 2014

Daiso Haul (Again!)

A couple of days after my previous Daiso haul, I went back to the store again to get some more items I couldn't stop thinking of. I just had to! :D

So yet again, here's another Daiso haul post. I'm pretty sure there's more to come...

While looking around, I remembered my Grandma so I got gifts for her. Last time, I got a cute pair of furry socks. This time, I got the Cutie Mania Neck Warmer (P88.00) - perfect for cold days ahead. She'll look so cute in this! :3 I also got her a Sole Sap Sheet in Hot Chili Pepper (P88.00/2pcs) to relieve muscle pain/detoxify the body.

I'm not sure if this is Corn Cutter (P88.00) legit or effective, but I just had to try. I always use a spoon to remove the corn bits from the cob, so this may just make my life easier. I'll update you guys if it works. Haha!

2/12/2015 UPDATE! Guys, the Daiso Corn Cutter is legit and so easy to use! Look! ♥

Now, I want to get the mango cutter, apple cutter... :D

This Sun Shade Cover (P88.00) is way nicer than the usual silver ones with commercial ads printed on them. I saw a pink version of this, but how awkward would it be if my dad were to place it on his car, so blue/green it is!

Lo and behold, I spotted a dupe of my beloved Fluff Egg Brush Cleaner at Daiso. I think the quality of the silicone is the same. Only, this one is marketed as Egg Laundry Board (P88.00) meant for hankies, undies, and shirt collars. If they changed the packaging label to "makeup brush cleaner" this would get sold out ASAP! Also available in pink and yellow.

Like Daiso Japan PH for more information.

What's your fave find from Daiso? :D



  1. Wow! I wanna buy the brush cleaner. Please tell us if the corn cutter is legit. I use a knife to remove corn bits from the cob, and it's time consuming.

    1. The brush cleaner is so worth it. The corn cutter I haven't tried! Haha

  2. Awesome catch on the egg brush cleaner! Must get one asap!

    1. You should! The last time I went, it was sold out. Hope they restock. :)

  3. Daiso certainly has the quirkiest things! I have to check out that Egg Laundry Board. :))

    Paola // Resuscitate

    1. I agree! It's quite hard to walk out of Daiso empty-handed. :D

  4. Didn't see the brush cleaner egg when I visited the other day. Sayang!
