Friday, August 22, 2014

Sangobion Go Love Life! Makeover Event

This year, I've had a significant change in my schedule. My work shift is now (informally) Monday to Saturdays due to overtime (woe is me!), and on weeknights I have Bible study and choir practice (both of which I truly enjoy). On Sundays, I wake up early for church and have lunch with my friends afterwards. So that leaves me with only 3 free nights to blog/attend events, if and only if I don't have to work overtime. I like being productive, at the end of the day, I would feel so drained and exhausted. There are days at work when I feel so lethargic so early in the morning. Sometimes, I feel that I don't have time for myself anymore.

And my prayers for some much needed "me time" were answered when I received an invite for Sangobion's Go Love Life! Makeover Event! :D

Sangobion’s Go Love Life! campaign was launched last May to remind women to make their health and well-being a priority, so we can go on leading the life we love. On social media, Sangobion challenged women to make a pledge to change for the better. Through an online promo, many women submitted their own pledges, while also promising to take Sangobion everyday.

The theme of the event was all red - just like Valentine's Day on August. Look at these cute candies on the centerpiece I hoarded! Haha :D

Aside from taking Sangobion daily, the brand ambassadors all agreed that it was important to have some me-time every now and then.

The 40 winners were treated to a beauty day courtesy of Shu Uemura and Blo Blow Dry Bar last August 16 at Crowne Plaza Hotel.

Ladies had their make-up done and also got to take home gifts from Shu Uemura.

I didn't get a makeover done since I was already wearing makeup, but everyone got these goodies from Shu Uemura! ♥

Blo Blow Dry Bar was there to expertly style our hair. On their menu were curls in different styles imaginable, but since I already have wavy hair, I decided to give the tired stylist an easy job by going straight instead!

Executive Sweet Blo Out by Blo Blow Dry Bar
we're talking skyscraper straight

While Sangobion helped them stay healthy on the inside, Shu Uemura and Blo helped the lovely ladies look as good as they feel.

Unlike other iron supplements, Sangobion has Ferrous Gluconate, an organic iron, which is absorbed better by the body to help fight the signs of iron deficiency such as paleness, fatigue, dizziness, and lack of focus and concentration. Each capsule is chocolate-scented that leaves no iron after-taste. Sangobion also contains essential vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin C, Folic acid, Vitamin B12, Copper, and Manganese to build healthy red blood cells and immune system. It also contains sorbitol which acts as an anti-constipation agent that generally occurs in iron supplementation. Taking Sangobion everyday can help you boost your iron, so that you can look and be at your best.

Since I get easily tired lately, I'll be taking Sangobion to see if it can give me an overall health boost. It's no miracle pill, but consistency is the key to see its effect on the body.

If you missed this latest event, join Sangobion’s next Go Love Life promo and get a chance to win a shopping spree! For more information, Like Sangobion Go Love Life on Facebook.


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