Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Dermplus Moisturizing Sunblock

I prefer sunny days over rainy days, and I can't wait to go on a nature trip once more. :D

I know, I've professed my love for spray sunblocks before. I still love them a lot for my day trips like hiking and exploring, but when it comes to beach trips - it's another story altogether.

When it comes to swimming, I like to be sure that I have enough SPF that doesn't get wash off easily. This is when I reach for sunblock lotions like Dermplus. 

Dermplus Moisturizing Sunblock is a UV ray-protective product that has UVA and UVB filters plus titanium dioxide to prevent skin damage and aging. It is ideal for everyday use and suited even for people with sensitive skin. It is also packed with nourishing ingredients such as seaweed extract to heal skin damage and aloe vera extract to soothe and cool the skin. Dermplus Moisturizing Sunblock is *PABA Free and most of all, water resistant, so your skin is shielded with utmost protection.

*PABA (Para Amino Benzonic Acid) is a sun protection ingredient that frequently causes allergic reaction.

What I like about Dermplus is that the brand carries different types of sunblock for your every need. There's SPF 80 for kids, for adults, and one even with SPF 130!

It's actually non-sticky when you blend it into the skin. While moisturizing the skin and protecting it from the sun's harmful rays, it also has the ability to make my skin look fairer instantly, because of the ingredient Titanium Dioxide it contains.

Dermplus is available in leading department stores.

Visit and Like Dermplus Moisturizing Sunblock on Facebook for more information.


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