Monday, July 14, 2014

Day Trip: Wawa Dam at Montalban, Rizal

Lucky Citrine travels once more. My latest trip reminded me that you don't really have to search far and wide to find spectacular sights, and that you can have fun and enjoy nature, even on a tight budget!

Since this day trip happened was a Sunday, most of us met up at church first to attend the worship service, then proceeded to Farmer's Plaza, Cubao to meet up with the rest of the group. We rode an FX going to Montalban, Rizal (P50.00), and after that another tricycle (P15.00/pax) to get to Wawa Dam. The trip took just about 1-1.5 hours, but we barely noticed the time as we were all busy chatting in transit. Entrance fee to Wawa Dam is FREE, but you have to drop by their tourism office first to register. You may opt to rent cottages, rafts and hire a tour guide for Wawa Dam or the nearby Pamitinan Cave.

Wawa Dam is constructed over the Marikina River in Rizal. It has been around since 1909 (during the American colonial era), and it used to provide for the water needs for Metro Manila. Angat Dam was built and Wawa was eventually abandoned.

Wawa Dam

For something that's been abandoned, it sure is beautiful.

Now I think it's considered more of a tourist spot where you can swim, ride a bamboo raft, or hike.

Before getting to the mini-waterfalls, we had a short trek along the partly grassy, partly rocky fields. (This trek is optional, and it took us about an hour to finish.) Here, we saw a lot of makahiya (plants that are sensitive to touch, wherein the leaves would close temporarily when touched) and beautiful creatures such as blue spiders and red dragonflies.

The trail wasn't really steep, but what made it challenging is that it's slippery. We would cross small ponds with running water that came from the waterfall (which looked clean, much to my delight and relief) and hike up wet rocks. It even rained, but thankfully not too hard or else we'd all go tumblin' down the hill (or rocks). I'm thankful that our group was very supportive of each other, always lending a helping hand and making sure no one gets left behind.

Pardon my hand pose, as an insect was buzzing near my ear! Akala niya cave, so I had to cover it. This one's our only complete group shot. Hello Tim, Tope, Gen, Kath, Gilly, Benny, and Tiff! :D

A trip wouldn't be complete without a signature taas kamay and paa pose with Benny!

Going on simple nature trips like this gives me time to reflect and thank God on how beautiful His creations are. Here, it's peaceful and serene. Life is simple. When I look at the mountains, I think of the even bigger, majestic God who has created it. Being in the great outdoors made me realize that there is more to life than being cooped up in the confines of your office or the comforts of your home. There's so much beauty out there waiting to be discovered.

This trip was brought to you by #TopeTravelandTours.


Photo Credits: Helen Blas, Christopher Chan, and Genevieve Go
Photos may not have watermarks, but you may not use them without permission.


  1. Is this just day trip? Can you pitch a tent anywhere? Ang fun :D

    1. This one's just a day trip. For Wawa Dam I don't think you can pitch a tent. Wala yatang space. Haha :)
