Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Tony Moly Super Junior-M Fan Meet

Early this month, Tony Moly gave me a truly special experience - a chance to meet Super Junior-M in person! ♥

The Tony Moly Super Junior-M Fan Signing Event was held at Gateway Cineplex, Cinema 5. I was there early! Don't want to be late for an occasion such as this! :3

Upon registration, I got a GREEN name tag. Little did I know that the color corresponded to a certain member of Super Junior-M! So exciting!

The front of the cinema was where the boys will be signing the posters.

That day, I was with my blogger friends Andy (and also Marge). Both of them have super nice blogs with mostly reviews of Korean cosmetics so do check them out! :)

Finally, they're here! :D

The crowd screamed as they entered the room. Beats a presscon, where you can't clap or scream or express your love for your favorite K-pop icon! Haha!

Henry & Zhou Mi ♥

It turns out, my green name tag was for the line of Zhou Mi!

Eunhyuk, Ryeowook, Sungmin, Donghae, Kyuhyun, Henry, and Zhou Mi were all there. They were so charming! Sooo handsome and flawless! o_o

I was actually first in line to Zhou Mi. He also knew the Mandarin language, and so I had already planned a small script. But when I went to his table, my mind went blank. All I said was "Hi" and "Thank you", all with a silly smile! I got so starstruck, and he even said "Thank you, Helen."

OMG. Zhou Mi! If you're reading this, I just want to tell you this:


And there goes everyone else! I've seen fangirls even cry tears of joy when they had their posters signed, but I totally understand. I am admittedly not the biggest K-pop fan, but I learned to appreciate more their music. Especially Super Junior-M. Instant fan here! :D

Here's my poster, signed by Zhou Mi!

And the rest of the loot. Thank you so much for the unforgettable day, Tony Moly Philippines! :D



  1. where are from?? where these events program runs?

    1. Super Junior-M is from Korea, but this event was held in the Philippines.

  2. wow you're so lucky!!

    1. Yes indeed. Tony Moly made all these possible. :)

  3. If they did this ten years ago with F4. My god. Nobody would've come out alive, hahaha!

    1. OMG if they did that with F4 (whether Taiwanese or Korean) I will be the first in line. Hahaha! :D

  4. How did you get an invite?? I was one hell of an ELF and such a HUGE, like super huge KPOP fan and I love these boys so much!!!!! Maybe my blog and I wasn't so popular at all to be not invited! LOL ~kkkk

    My sister got Zhoumi too! She went at Tony Moly weeks before the event to line up at am in the morning just to be with the few who can chance upon fan sign passes for every 3k worth! Oh geez! She's lucky and you're lucky and I'm not! Sigh.. :(

    Oh boys! I need to prepare for Kyochon soon! Thanks for posting the boys! ~kkk . P.s. My bias is Wookie :)


    1. Hi Theresa! Tony Moly emailed me about the invite. Aww your sister and I were in the same queue! At least you have the precious signed poster at home. :)
