Friday, December 6, 2013

My Ice Watch from Mentos Cool As Ice!

Buy some chewing gum and win a watch? You bet! :D

Last month as I was buying groceries, I went to the candy aisle to restock on some mints (one of my ultimate purse must-haves). I then spotted this bright yellow bottle of Mentos Pure Fresh Chewing Gum in Cooler Lemonade - something I haven't tried before.

They're giving away 100 cool watches from Ice Watch with every single purchase of Mentos gums! (I used to be skeptical about promos like this, but this time it's different!)

Each bottle has a unique alphanumeric code which serves as your entry when you register at

The Secret, which is the law of attraction, has worked for me again! I bought the bottle with the feeling of already having the Ice Watch, and I true enough, it happened! I submitted my code last November 23, 2013 at, and received an e-mail from them on December 3, 2013. I then claimed my Ice Watch the next day! :)

Lots of colors on display! The ones up for grabs from the Mentos Cool As Ice promo are pink, yellow, green, and blue. I just found out that each watch costs about P4,200.00! So that makes my P31.00 Mentos gum a worthy investment. :D

I was supposed to get the pink one, but it wasn't in stock, so I got the blue one instead. Thank you, Mentos Philippines and Ice Watch for my early Christmas present!

You still stand a chance on winning one of the 50 Ice Watches. Raffle draw dates:

Like Mentos Philippines on Facebook and visit for more information. Good luck! :D



  1. " So that makes my P31.00 Mentos gum a worthy investment."

    haha I love this! Nice win!


  2. It's a cute watch with a nice sporty vibe! Congrats!

    Rowena @ rolala loves
    Enter my Blue Nile necklace giveaway!

    1. Thank you, Rowena! It looks sporty and is perfect for my jeans and t-shirt days! :)

  3. Wow, that's so cool! I remember eating Mentos when i was little in Singapore... but Canada doesn't have them I think! :(

    xoxo, Mango ❤
    MangoRabbitRabbit's Blog | Holiday Party: Nude Bandage Dress!
