Saturday, August 17, 2013

Rainy Day Shoes: Melissa Campana Zigzag in Clear Glitter

Rainy weather calls for some rainy day shoes!

Since I commute to and from work everyday, I dislike the rain. -_- But then, since I can't do anything about it, then I just gotta adapt and get myself some rainy day shoes. I know this is really common, but my personal pet peeve is seeing corporate attire + slippers (unless it's really flooded), so I always wear flats on my way to work (because I like keeping my toes clean). One particular pair I'm loving right now is this one from Melissa, which I got from Geleia Trinoma.

Each pair of Melissa shoes comes with a cloth shoebag, which I love! But it somehow got lost in my room and now I can't find it!

Every Melissa starts as a dream.

The pair I got is Melissa+Campana Zigzag in Clear Glitter (P2,895.00), which is part of their Spring/Summer 2013 collection.

The reason why I chose this pair is because I've seen a lot of cheap knockoffs of the Melissa Campana Zigzag in the marketplace/bazaars in basic colors such as black, brown, or red, but I've never seen a fake one in this pretty, clear, glittery shade!

Indoors, this one actually looks blue-green! I was actually scared to use and abuse this pretty pair of flats, but it's very durable. The glitter holds up well, and it's still sparkly and nice even after a few months of use. I love the fact that I can just rinse my shoes (or feet) anytime it gets dirty with rainwater.

My only gripe is that they're not exactly the comfiest pair of jelly shoes I've tried. My feet might develop calluses or blisters if I use this every single day, since it's still plastic and plastic rubbing on to skin causes a great deal of friction.

I'm loving the design of this pretty pair of Melissa flats, but after many months, my feet have still yet to get used to this. Am I the only one feeling this way?



  1. nice blog!!!
    new follower :) wiht gfc and with bloglovin
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  2. I love that kind of posts :) good work :)

  3. I love their box, it's really colorful <3 Good thing a pair comes in a cloth bag. I love the design and color you chose. I'm also not comfortable wearing jelly shoes, :( My feet hurt so bad and I get callouses easily.

    1. I thought I was the only one who felt that way! :p

  4. it's so expensive but they look pretty. too bad it gave you calluses though :( i've tried jelly shoes but bought them for like a hundred bucks lang. not the most durable of its kind but it was pretty neat.


    1. I wasn't expecting it to be uncomfy since I thought jelly shoes are supposed to be soft and all. But this is a lifesaver for when it rains! P100 is not bad at all, as long as you made good use of it. :)

  5. i am not familiar with the feel of wearing these kinds of flats. i usually find them uncomfortable when i fit them on the stores ^^ but they always look cute and great. this one you bought looks like shoes from a fairytale <3

  6. Honestly, I don't understand why many people wear slippers in the rain. Athlete's foot, anyone? I'd prefer galoshes.

    1. Yeah, I don't get that too. :\ I want those rain boots too but it's a bit inconvenient to bring it around.

  7. Ooh, pretty. But when it comes to rainy day shoes for me--Crocs all the way! I have the ballet flats design and they're very comfy. :)

    1. I used to hate Crocs until their ballet flats came out! :D

  8. Yes, I encounter the same feeling and experience with these plastic shoes. I've tried different brands and the result were the same :) But I still prefer them for rainy season shoes.. :)

    1. Same feeling! I still wear this when I feel that it's gonna rain. :D

  9. It's really colorful and well designed. This is a lifesaver for when it rains. I get one pair of zihzag shoe from

  10. It's really colorful and well designed. This is a lifesaver for when it rains. I get one pair of zihzag shoe from

    1. Melissa's designs are really nice and well thought of. Although not the comfiest, it's still nice to have for when it rains.

      Thanks for sharing!
