Sunday, June 2, 2013

Addicted to Royal Family Mochi

I've developed a newfound addiction for mochi! Not mochi ice cream, but the basic bite-sized Japanese rice cakes made of glutinous rice with sweet fillings inside. I've tried mochi from different brands I saw in the supermarket, and the one I liked best was from the brand Royal Family from Taiwan. The first time I saw these was in Shopper's Mart in Binondo, and I just recently found out that they're also available in selected branches of Rustan's Supermarket, Shopwise, Landmark, Robinsons Supermarket, etc. (View the complete store list here.) Now I don't have to trek all the way to Binondo just to get my mochi fix! ♥

Royal Family Mochi - Assorted 20's (P185.00)

I was used to buying the smaller box of 6's (which costs P120.00) before, but my eyes popped when I saw this huge assorted box of 20's (which costs P185.00) for the first time. This is the best thing to buy when you can't decide which flavor to get. Too bad it was the last box on display, or else I would have bought more! (By the way, these might look big in the pictures, but they're really just bite sized.)

Inside the box were the following flavors:

Sesame Mochi

It's my first time to try this sesame mochi. I loved the sesame coating since it adds a nice contrasting texture to the super soft and chewy mochi. What's inside is even better - black sesame paste that's sweet and savory at the same time!

Red Bean Mochi

Red bean lovers will rejoice as this one has red bean paste and real solid bits of red beans inside the unassuming white and simple appearance. (This flavor is well-approved by my boss!)

Peanut Mochi

Among all the flavors, peanut was the first one I've tried, and it was love at first bite. It's dusted with ground peanuts, and inside it is glorious peanut butter! Peanut butter is brain food and this one is the perfect thing to much on for when you get sleepy during work. Instant energy boost, anyone? (This flavor is the favorite of my colleague!)

Green Tea Mochi

Because of my attachment towards anything green tea, I instantly appreciated this flavor. (This was also the first column to be finished from my box!) It has that signature strong green tea scent, and the green tea paste was bittersweet, just the way I like it. However, I prefer the Green Tea Mochi that comes in the box of 6, since it has a smoother, "powdered" surface compared to this one which as a grainy texture surrounding it.

Yam Mochi

My taro-loving colleague naturally reached for this yam mochi. I'm not a fan of yam, but I love the color of this mochi. It's purple! The sweet paste inside is yellow, just so you know.

As you can see, they don't skimp on the fillings inside of the mochi:

Green Tea Mochi (1st favorite)

Peanut Mochi (2nd favorite)

The next time you drop by the supermarket, make sure to add this to your cart. I know I will! :) This one's a nice gift suggestion too, don't you agree?

They also have smaller boxes available, with 6 pieces of 1 flavor per box.

Royal Family Green Tea Mochi (6 pcs. for P120.00)

See the difference between the texture of this compared to the one in the assorted box? This one is better!

Royal Family Peanut Mochi (6 pcs. for P120.00)

Royal Family Red Bean Mochi (6 pcs. for P120.00)

As for peanut and red bean, these are the same with those inside the assorted box.

Warning though, each small piece packs on about 115 calories each, but I don't mind. In fact, I need all the calories I can get. Haha! Which flavor do you fancy most? :)



  1. haven't tried this yet! but looks delish! and buti ka pa you don't have to watch what you eat! :P

    1. It's a blessing and a curse! Haha. Try it, Hazel! Or pag magkikita tayo dalhan kita. I still have some at home. :)

  2. Ang sarap! Nagugutom tuloy ako hahahaa

  3. Do you eat them directly out of the box or should they be cooked in any way?

  4. Do you eat them directly out of the box or should they be cooked in any way?

    1. Hey Philippe! This one's ready to eat. No need to cook. It's really good. :D
