Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Hey! Fishy Fishy Beer-Battered Fish & Chips at Mezza Norte

I have this attachment towards fish dishes, and I don't know why. Given the choice of chicken, pork, beef, or fish dishes, I'd go for the latter in a heartbeat! This could seriously be the reason why I'm not gaining weight no matter how much I eat.

When I went to Mezza Norte with some of my colleagues last Friday, we all ordered different types of food - Japanese rice toppings, Italian pasta, Mexican burrito, and of course, Fish & Chips - which was mine. I spotted Hey! Fishy Fishy and ordered it on the spot, without remembering that I could try out samples first. I had my sample fix while waiting for my order since I was already hungry.

Hey! Fishy Fishy Menu

Their fish is battered using San Miguel Pale Pilsen, which gives is a unique and distinct tenderness and flavor.
Bayou (P200.00)
A delectable sampler of our fish, shrimp, chips, squid, chicken, and onion rings. A must try!
Cheesy Fries

Fish and Chips (P120.00 for 2 large pieces)
Crispy and golden brown beer-battered fish fillet served with Potato Wedges and Tartare Sauce

Fish and Chips (P120.00)
I ordered a serving of Fish and Chips. The order came out a lot smaller than the sample order on display, but I still loved it anyway. This serving is just right and it satisfied my empty tummy. Fish and Chips are best eaten immediately while it's still hot and crisp. I loved how soft and tender the fish is inside. The tartar sauce goes very well with the fish. The chips balanced out the saltiness of the fish, and I asked for extra cheese sauce to go with my chips. Yummy!
On my next trip to Mezza Norte, I'll order either Fish and Chips again, or Bayou! Like Hey! Fishy Fishy on Facebook for more information and updates.


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