Sunday, September 8, 2013

Love Your Buddy Giveaway Winners

Hi everyone! Dawn and I were so happy with the results of our recently concluded "Love Your Buddy" joint giveaway, sponsored by The Body Shop!

I know you're all itching to know who the winners are. But first, a recap on the prizes! The 2 winners will each get a set of The Body Shop makeup products containing the following items:
  • 1 The Body Shop Extra Virgin Minerals Cream Compact Foundation
  • 1 The Body Shop Colourglide Shine Lip Color in Cheeky Coral
  • 1 The Body Shop Born Lippy Stick in Lychee Shimmer

I am so envious right now, but of course, I couldn't join my own giveaway! Hahaha! :D

So, here are the winners! The first one was the best photo entry (with the criteria of 75% creativity and 25% Facebook likes), while the second one was drawn in random among everyone who joined.

Winner #1: Gina May Mungcal

"Ever since I bought this tea tree oil from the body shop it has been my life saviour, I'm not exaggerating here but it's my best buddy and I couldn't live without it anymore. I got a lot of pimples and this saves my face! In just 3 days and so my pimples just started to heal and the scars slowly fades away just by continuous usage. There's a lot of benefit from this little bottle if you don't know; it relieves itchiness from mosquito bites, it heals and soothe sunburns, can be use as antiseptic, all-purpose cleaner, cures toenail fungus and many more. Small but terrible right? So if your having problems with regards on your skin especially your face why not try this tea tree oil from the body shop, it's affordable, cruelty free and really helps a lot!"

Winner #2: Ging Aquino

Congratulations, ladies! Dawn will email you in a bit for your mailing details. ;) You better reply to her ASAP, as your prizes are ready for shipping!



  1. Oh wow thank you so much! Can't wait to try those best selling products. :D

    1. Congratulations, Gina! We both loved your photo entry. The Tea Tree Oil is really a very versatile product from TBS. :)

  2. Thanks so much, Ms. Helen! :) So happy! Thanks also to Peachy Pink Sisters and The Body Shop! :)

    1. Congratulations, Ging! Hope you'll like the prizes. :)

  3. Congrats to the winners! *U* And the Tea tree oil has been pretty good to me as well, I just bought it a couple days ago!

    Junniku blog [Click!]
    - A Korean fashion, beauty and lifestyle blog!

    1. My sister loves the Tea Tree Oil as well. :D Glad to know that it works for you!
